What is an aperture?

Hello fellow Photographers,

I always used to wonder when i started Photography as in what is an "Aperture", the dictionary meaning is "an opening, hole or a gap". So this exactly what it does, the amount of light falling on to your sensor. Once you understand how does the light affects the image then everything becomes very simple. If you look at the following image it shows you what exactly aperture is your lens.

Now why I am saying that aperture plays an important role, to get a right picture we need right amount of light and for that we need to understand exact amount of f-stop. Aperture not only controls light but also gives a depth of field, as in, making the background in focus or making it completely blurred. You can make it out from the following images.
Shallow depth of field

F: 6.3
S: 1/80
ISO: 100

F: 3.5
S: 1/400
ISO: 100

F: 1.8
S: 1/1000
ISO: 100

More the f-stop shallow the depth of field and less light, and less the f-stop more the depth of field and more light.

So now you have the theory part of it but the most important is how and where to use the f-stop. Now it all depends on the situation, light and type of photograph. Usually if you want capture a beauty of nature at day time then usually f-stop should be around 8 to 9 (provided your camera is on aperture priority as the shutter would be automatically set). As you know more the f-stop more things are in focus and less the light.

Now say if you want to shoot a group of people standing, then again the same f-stop would work, as we need everyone to be in focus, but also it varies from the amount of light you have, else u will end up in camera shake and screw up the photo.

For the above situation you can reduce the aperture and let people stand in such a way that they are in a line next to each other. So this can get u enough light and reduce the risk of camera shake.
I will write more on candid photoshoot and how to control more on aperture/f-stop.
You may visit http://rohanshetti.blogspot.com for more information about aperture, he is one of the best nature photographer I know.

1 comment:

  1. Aperture refers to the opening in a camera lens that controls the amount of light entering the camera. It is represented by an f-number, such as f/2.8 or f/16. Candid Wedding Photography in Chennai A wider aperture (smaller f-number) allows more light and creates a shallow depth of field, while a narrower aperture (larger f-number) lets in less light and results in a larger depth of field. Aperture also affects the exposure and overall sharpness of an image
